Stars and Stripes a New Way

What do you get when you add one part knitalong, one part workshop, and one part yarn ecstasy?

Is anything better than getting new yarn?

Is anything better than getting new yarn?

My newest adventure in Concierge Knitting, that’s what! I’m calling all newbies, maniacs and repeat offenders to join me for my Stars and Stripes virtual workshop.

Class 1: (Sept.  12): Overview of Norwegian Fana sweater design and construction, and how to read the pattern. Discussion of color-stranding techniques.

Class 2 (Oct. 10): Sleeves: planning, measuring and constructing the sleeves.

Class 3: (Nov. 7): EEEK! Steeks! Learn how to steek a colorwork sweater three different ways.

Class 4 (Dec. 12): Mary is known as the Queen of the Finishing Detail, and you’ll learn her tips and tricks for a bang-up finish to your masterpiece.

$200 + materials. Class fee includes workbook.


In order to get the correct gauge for this pattern, Mary recommends that you use Rauma 3-ply Strikkegarn (available at Bazaar Girls). Registered students will be invited to a Zoom trunk sale on August 28 to learn about this yarn and choose colors.
— Bazaar Girls Yarn Shop

And yes, you read that right: my Stars and Stripes students get their own trunk show! If you’re not familiar with Rauma yarns, you’re in for a treat. It’s the quintessential Norwegian yarn, and I love it more than I can tell you. The Yarn Guys are Rauma’s North American distributors, and a truly class act. I’ll also be attending, to *coughenablecough * assist with color and yardage questions, so it will be just like going yarn shopping together.

The Bazaar Girls carry a bounty of Rauma for all your Fana needs.

The Bazaar Girls carry a bounty of Rauma for all your Fana needs.

In the Stars and Stripes workshop, we’ll explore the history and lore of the Norwegian Fana sweater, in its many incarnations. Then you’ll create your very own custom Fana, using my 20-page workbook. It’s a “choose your own adventure” recipe which allows you to mix and match stars and stripes with the math (!) already done for you. And if you’d like to create your own personal charts, I can help you with that, too. You’ll be able to create your masterpiece in any size you choose, from newborn to lumberjack.

Fana modeled by the beautiful Diana

Fana modeled by the beautiful Diana

A peek inside my sample Fana

A peek inside my sample Fana

I’ve never done this before, but in this workshop I’ll be knitting a Fana along with you. I’ll be using it to create a few often-requested technique videos, which will be exclusive to my students. So you’ll get to see the rubber hitting the road both in real time and as a recorded reference. My Fana will be a baby sweater with a hood, which you can also choose to make along with me.

This experience comes complete with all the Stranded With Mary extras: A Ravelry group for solidarity with your fellow students in between sessions, Zoom format classes from the comfort of your very own knitting chair, and personal support from me throughout the process.

As my students can tell you, I strive to provide all the history, mystery and interpretive dance I can muster. Come join us and find out what all the fuss is about.