It's That Time of Year Again!

Yes, it's time to cram all your fiber friends and your spinning wheels into the car and take a road trip to the Lane County Fairgrounds in Eugene, Oregon:

This year is going to be a first for me. Instead of teaching, I'm going to help out in the marketplace! Friends of the Blog Abstract Fiber invited me to join in on the retail side of the house and work in the booth. Hmmm...spend the weekend surrounded by the glory of all the Abstract yarn and fiber? I had to think it over for almost a whole second. I'm bringing Lindsay, too!

Abstract is having a contest, I'll bring along the advance copy of my new book to show you, and I solemnly swear to enable all your fiber arts purchases. Come find me in booth #R9 (map available at the event), where the big fun will be happening.

Join us, Do!