Magic Carpet Ride

Gentle Readers, remember last time I mentioned a little sock I'm working on?   It's still waiting for a mate, and some instructions to be written, but last night I stayed up way too late playing with it, and here is the result:

It's made in from Abstract Fiber Supersock, which yarn you already know I dearly love.  The sproing.  The spark.  All that, and a colorway like this:  "Magic Carpet".

A sock called Magic Carpet has to have cords and tassels.  Absolute requirement.

And Topknots.  Naturally.  Whimsical, no?  Festive, even.  A person just could not take things too seriously while wearing socks like these.  These are the sort of socks I'd wear under my dress slacks to the Big Important Meeting, just to remind myself that I'll never really belong to The Man. 

Socks to live by, now I think about it.

As soon as I finish the pattern (and the other sock), you'll be able to get them in kit form here.